Bible Selector Bible Selector

What Scriptures Should

What Scriptures Should

My Bible Include?

My Bible Include?


The choice here is quite a bit more com­plex than the last one.  On this page, each choice is more exclu­sive than the pre­vi­ous one.  If you choose the 66-Book Canon, for exam­ple, then all bibles will be con­sid­ered for rec­om­men­da­tion.  If you choose the Roman Cath­o­lic Canon, then only bibles that include at least the entire Roman Cath­o­lic canon will be con­sid­ered for rec­om­men­da­tion.  There­fore, if you choose the East­ern Ortho­dox Canon, only bibles that include that entire canon will be con­sid­ered for rec­om­men­da­tion.

66 books are all that I need (but more is OK, too).  Com­monly referred to (improp­erly) as the Prot­es­tant Canon.
I want at least all of the Scrip­tures included in Roman Cath­o­lic bibles.
I won’t settle for a bible unless it has the entire Eng­lish Prot­es­tant Apoc­ry­pha included.
I must have as many Scrip­tures as pos­si­ble!

You should keep read­ing if:

  • you don’t know what the words canon or Apoc­ry­pha mean . . .
  • you’re not sure what is included in each choice . . .
  • you’re not sure which choice is the right choice . . .
Bible Reviews Bible Reviews Dis­cover details about nearly every Eng­lish bible ver­sion in print using easy-to-com­pare charts.  Also re­views and detailed, plain-lan­guage expla­na­tions of bible top­ics.
If you are hav­ing prob­lems with the but­ton above, please e-mail your com­ments to


The fol­low­ing is a very shal­low over­view of the dif­fer­ences between the four choices.  If you wish, you can jump directly to the leng­thy preliminary detailed dis­cus­sion of why there are four choices:  the exact con­tents of each, their com­plex his­tory, who made the deci­sions, why they made those deci­sions, and what rea­son­ing might be used to sup­port one choice over the other.

Bib­li­cal Canon — the term bib­li­cal canon means what Scrip­tures are included in a bible.  Yes, it’s true:  some of you believe that all bibles are the same, but in fact many bibles include books not included in other bibles.  In fact, many bibles include addi­tional chap­ters to the books of Esther and Dan­iel that are not included in other bibles!  For the rest of this dis­cus­sion, keep in mind that all of the Scrip­tures men­tioned are pre-Chris­tian Scrip­ture.  In other words, all of these bib­li­cal canons include the very same Scrip­tures in their New Tes­ta­ments; only the Old Tes­ta­ments dif­fer.

More ahead . . .
More ahead . . .
Decision ahead . . .
Wheel of Fortune Solutions Wheel of Fortune Solutions Truly free oppor­tu­nity to win truly free prizes from the Wheel of For­tune TV show!  Plain, step-by-step instruc­tions pro­vided!
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Decision Time!

66 books are all that I need (but more is OK, too).  Com­monly referred to (improp­erly) as the Prot­es­tant Canon.
I want at least all of the Scrip­tures included in Roman Cath­o­lic bibles.
I won’t settle for a bible unless it has the entire Eng­lish Prot­es­tant Apoc­ry­pha included.
I must have as many Scrip­tures as pos­si­ble!
I want to read a more detailed dis­cus­sion about the his­tory of the 4 bib­li­cal can­ons, which Chris­tian sects use which bib­li­cal canon, and rea­sons for choos­ing one over the other.  (Pre­lim­i­nary)
Life After Harry Potter Life After
Harry Potter
Only the best sor­cery fan­tasy books with grade read­ing level, full and mini-reviews, a sum­mary of adult con­tent and more!
If you are hav­ing prob­lems with the but­ton above, please e-mail your com­ments to
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